Daniel Webster and Jacksonian Democracy /

Professor Nathans illuminates the changes wrought by Jacksonian democracy on the career of Daniel Webster, a major political figure, and on the destiny of a major political party, the Whigs. Daniel Webster was a creative anachronism in the Jacksonian era. His career illustrates the fate of a generat...

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Váldodahkki: Nathans, Sydney (Author)
Materiálatiipa: Elektrovnnalaš E-girji
Almmustuhtton: Baltimore, Maryland : Project Muse, 2019
Preanttus:Open access edition.
Ráidu:Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; 91st ser., 1.
Hopkins open publishing encore editions.
Book collections on Project MUSE.
Liŋkkat:Full text available:
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