Search Results - Wikimedia Foundation
How Wikipedia works and how you can be a part of it /
Published 2008Table of Contents: “…-- The world gets a free encyclopedia -- Finding Wikipedia's content -- Understanding and evaluating an article -- Basic editing -- Good writing and research -- Cleanup, projects, and processes -- Make and mend Wikipedia's web -- image, templates, and special characters -- The life cycle of an article -- Becoming a Wikipedian -- Community and communication -- Policy and your input -- Dispute, blocks, and bans -- 200 languages and counting -- Wikimedia commons and other sister projects -- The foundation and project coordination.…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
How Wikipedia works and how you can be a part of it /
Published 2008Table of Contents: “…-- The world gets a free encyclopedia -- Finding Wikipedia's content -- Understanding and evaluating an article -- Basic editing -- Good writing and research -- Cleanup, projects, and processes -- Make and mend Wikipedia's web -- image, templates, and special characters -- The life cycle of an article -- Becoming a Wikipedian -- Community and communication -- Policy and your input -- Dispute, blocks, and bans -- 200 languages and counting -- Wikimedia commons and other sister projects -- The foundation and project coordination.…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook