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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 23,305
- Politics and government 6,193
- History and criticism 6,066
- Social aspects 4,984
- Social conditions 4,650
- Social life and customs 3,792
- Political aspects 2,671
- Foreign relations 2,632
- Race relations 2,627
- Philosophy 2,502
- Economic conditions 2,284
- Intellectual life 2,237
- Criticism and interpretation 2,221
- Management 1,934
- Religious aspects 1,844
- Study and teaching 1,758
- African Americans 1,747
- Research 1,698
- Histoire 1,692
- Women 1,646
- Government policy 1,501
- Medical care 1,495
- Civilization 1,472
- Economic aspects 1,455
- Education 1,394
- Christianity 1,217
- Psychological aspects 1,201
- Law and legislation 1,198
- General 1,156
- Ethnic relations 1,143
Le groupe Nouvelle Aire en mémoires, 1968-1982 : Les coulisses de la nouvelle danse au Québec
Published 1999Table of Contents: “…LE GROUPE NOUVELLE AIRE EN MÉMOIRE, 1968-1982 -- LES COULISSES DE LA NOUVELLE DANSE AU QUÉBEC; Preface; Avant-propos; Remerciements; Table des matieres; Prologue_Automne 1962 à automne 1968; Opus 1_Hiver 1969 à printemps 1971; Opus 2_Éte 1971 à ete 1974; Opus 3_Automne 1974 à ete 1977; Opus 4_Automne 1977 à hiver 1982; Épilogue; A cappella; Conclusion; Annexes; Annexe_Les choregraphes du Groupe Nouvelle Aire et leurs oeuvres; Annexe_Liste alphabetique des creations du Groupe Nouvelle Aire; Annexe_Liste chronologique des spectacles de Nouvelle Aire de 1969 à 1982.…”
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Planification, aménagement et loisir, 2e édition /
Published 2000Table of Contents: “…NAGEMENT ET LOISIR""; ""Table des matiÃ?res""; ""Liste des figures""; ""Liste des tableaux""; ""Introduction""; ""Partie 1_Fondements thÃoriques de la planification""; ""Chapitre 1_Contexte thÃorique de la planification""; ""Chapitre 2_Cadre de rÃfÃrence pour une planification en loisir""; ""Chapitre 3_OpÃrationnalisation du cadre de rÃfÃrence thÃorique""; ""Partie 2_Planification et Ãvaluation de la demande""; ""Chapitre 4_Approche participative""; ""Chapitre 5_Approche normative""; ""Chapitre 6_Approche instrumentale""…”
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Marketing international : Synergie, éthique et liens /
Published 2006Table of Contents: “…MARKETING INTERNATIONAL; Avant-propos; Table des matieres; Liste des encadres; Liste des figures; Liste des tableaux; Introduction; Partie 1_Paradigmes mouvants et nouveaux du marketing international; Chapitre 1_Le positionnement du marketing international; Chapitre 2_La creation de valeur en marketing international; Partie 2_La valeur de lien; Chapitre 3_La culture, quintessence de la valeur de lien en marketing international; Chapitre 4_À la recherche de l'inconscient collectif en marketing international; Chapitre 5_L'emergence du consommateurisme international equitable et politique.…”
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L'évolution de la population étudiante à l'université : Facteurs explicatifs et enjeux
Published 1997Table of Contents: “…L'ÉVOLUTION DE LA POPULATION ÉTUDIANTE À L'UNIVERSITÉ_FACTEUR EXPLICATIFS ET ENJEUX; Table des matieres; Introduction; Chapitre 1_Quelques reperes pour mieux comprendre l'evolution des effectifs etudiants au cours des dernieres decennies au Quebec; Chapitre 2_Choisir dans un contexte d'incertitude: elements pour une problematique; Chapitre 3_Allongement de la jeunesse, parcours d'etudes et vieillissement de la population etudiante universitaire; Chapitre 4_Les parcours des jeunes universitaires: entre la reflexion et l'insertion professionnelle.…”
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Forever New : The Speeches of James Wright, President of Dartmouth College, 1998–2009 /
Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Dartmouth Lawyers Association, October 11, 2003Remarks at the Memorial Service for James O. Freedman, Fifteenth President of Dartmouth College, May 15, 2006; Athletics and Life: Essay for the Class of 1964, on its Fiftieth Reunion, 2007; Honoring Veterans, October 6, 2007; Eleventh Annual Report to the General Faculty, October 27, 2008; The Yellow Ribbon Program and Private Colleges, February 2, 2009; Veterans Day at the Vietnam Memorial Wall, Washington, D.C., November 11, 2009; Part IV: Commencement Addresses, 1999-2009; June 13, 1999; June 11, 2000; June 10, 2001; June 9, 2002…”
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La rue attractive : Parcours et pratiques identitaires des jeunes de la rue /
Published 2002Table of Contents: “…LA RUE ATTRACTIVE; Table des matieres; Liste des figures; Liste des tableaux; Remerciements; Introduction; Partie 1_Les jeunes de la rue existent-ils?…”
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L'innovation sociale : Émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés
Published 2006Table of Contents: “…""Partie 4_Un programme de recherche""""Chapitre 17_Axe 1 -- Travail et emploi""; ""Chapitre 18_Axe 2 -- Conditions de vie""; ""Chapitre 19_Axe 3 -- DÃveloppement et territoire""; ""Partie 5_L'innovation sociale""; ""Chapitre 20_La dialectique de l'innovation sociale et de l'institutionnalisation""; ""Chapitre 21_Innovation et changement social""; ""Chapitre 22_L'innovation sociale et ses acteurs""; ""Bibliographie gÃnÃrale""; ""Liste des auteurs""…”
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Formation des adultes aux cycles supérieurs : Quête de savoirs, de compétences ou de sens ? /
Published 2005Table of Contents: “…FORMATION DES ADULTES AUX CYCLES SUPÉRIEURS; Table des matieres; Liste des sigles et des acronymes; Introduction_Vers de nouvelles pratiques de formation et d'acccompagnement des adultes aux cycles superieurs; Chapitre 1_Le projet; Chapitre 2_Accompagnement et formations d'adultes en alternance; Chapitre 3_L'accompagnement d'une recherche praxeologique de type science-action; Chapitre 4_La formation à la recherche; Chapitre 5_L'accompagnement pour le deveppement d'une competence relationnelle de cooperation; Chapitre 6_Madame EX.…”
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An Aethetics of Narrative Performance : Transnational Theater, Literature, and Film in Contemporary Germany /
Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Toward an aesthetics of narrative performance -- Theatrical narratives : film 'made in Germany' around 2000 -- Evoking presence-in mediation : literary scenarios at the turn of the century -- Epic commentary and affective presencing : contemporary theater -- Like God's voice? …”
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In Contempt : Nineteenth-Century Women, Law, and Literature /
Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Narrative advocacy, outlaw texts, and nineteenth-century Portias -- A novel approach to feminist jurisprudence : narrating the gothic reality of coverture -- Legislative histories and literary herstories : infanticide, bastardy, and the "lewd woman" -- Birth control on trial : law, literature, and libel -- Sitting in judgment : a cross-examination of women, law, and empire -- Appealing women : late-century publication of private wrongs.…”
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Empire and Identity in Guizhou : Local Resistance to Qing Expansion /
Published 2013Full text available:
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Wilkie Collins and Copyright : Artistic Ownership in the Age of the Borderless Word /
Published 2013Table of Contents: “…Introduction : Wilkie Collins, theorist of iterability -- The manuscript as writer's estate in Basil -- The woman in white : the perils of attempting to discipline the transatlantic, transhistorical narrative -- Over-doing things with words in 1862 : pretense and plain truth in No name -- Ingesting the other in Armadale -- The return of the author : privacy, publication, the mystery novel, and The moonstone -- Conclusion : real absences : Collins's waiting shadows.…”
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Trading Places : Accessing land in African cities /
Published 2013Table of Contents: “…Cover; Title page; Copyright page; Contents; About the authors; Foreword; Preface; Chapter 1 -- Land and markets in African cities:T ime for a new lens?…”
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Afrindian Fictions : Diaspora, Race, and National Desire in South Africa /
Published 2008Table of Contents: “…-- Indians in short : collectivity versus specificity in the Apartheid story -- Essop's Fables : straregic Indianness, political occasion, and the Grand Old Man of South African Indian literature -- National longing, natural belonging : flux and rootedness in Achmat Dangor's Kafka's curse -- The point of return : backward glances in Farida Karodia's Other Secrets -- Lost in transplantation : recovering the history of Indian arrival in south Africa -- Citizen other : the implosion of racial harmony in postapartheid South Africa -- New directions or same old? Afrindian identity and fiction today -- Interviews : Deena Padayachee ; Ahmed Essop ; Farida Karodia ; Praba Moodley ; Aziz Hassim ; Bonnie Govender.…”
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In the Presence of Audience : The Self in Diaries and Fiction /
Published 2003Table of Contents: “…Introduction : in the presence of audience : the self in diaries and fiction -- Virginia Woolf's diary : "whom do I tell when I tell a blank page?" -- Katherine Mansfield : " 'damning little notebooks' tell their own story" -- Violet Hunt : mythmaking in "her book of impressions" -- Doris Lessing's The golden notebook : "an exposed position."…”
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Virtues for the People : Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics /
Published 2011Table of Contents: “…Plutarch's Popularphilosophie on Friendship and Virtue in On having many friends; 1. Plutarch's On having many friends and Popularphilosophie; 1.1. …”
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Transatlantic Correspondence : Modernity, Epistolarity, and Literature in Spain and Spanish America, 1898–1992 /
Published 2014Full text available:
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Becoming Muslim in Imperial Russia : Conversion, Apostasy, and Literacy /
Becoming Muslim in Imperial Russia : conversion, apostasy, and literacy /Published 2014Full text available:
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Internationalizing "International Communication" /
Published 2015Full text available:
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