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  1. 121081

    The Poetics of Jacobean Drama / by Freer, Coburn

    Published 2019
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  2. 121082

    William Marshal : Knight-Errant, Baron, and Regent of England / by Painter, Sidney, 1902-1960

    Published 2019
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  3. 121083
  4. 121084

    The Twilight of the Avant-Garde : Spanish Poetry 1980–2000 / by Mayhew, Jonathan, 1960-

    Published 2009
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  5. 121085

    Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI-XIX, /

    Published 2020
    Table of Contents: “…Litigación en la Audiencia Arzobispal de Lima : Abogados y procuradores de causas en la litigación canónica, 1600-1650 / Renzo Honores -- Ordenes religiosas durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Comunicar la fe. La predicación de los primeros jesuitas entre Austria y Perú (siglo XVI) / Claudio Ferlan -- Entre normas y particularidades. …”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  6. 121086

    The Jewish Family in Antiquity /

    Published 2020
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  7. 121087

    Amadís y sus libros : 500 años /

    Published 2009
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  8. 121088

    Encuentros y desencuentros en la salud reproductiva : políticas públicas, marcos normativos y actores sociales /

    Published 2001
    Table of Contents: “…Políticas públicas, marcos normativos y actores sociales vinculados con la sexualidad y la salud reproductiva / Juan Guillermo Figueroa Perea y Mariana Yanes Esser -- El caso de las políticas del empleo / Clara Jusidman -- Salud reproductiva en las trabajadoras de la maquila de exportación en Tijuana: diagnóstico y retos para las políticas de salud / Miguel Ángel González Block -- Comentarios sobre cambios estructurales y políticas públicas / Brígida García -- Normas y valores de la Iglesia católica en la sexualidad y la reproducción: nuevas perspectivas / María Consuelo Mejía -- Salud reproductiva: del papel a la realidad / Arnoldo Kraus -- Educación, medios de comunicación y salud reproductiva / Rosa María Camarena Córdova -- Comentarios sobre normas y valores de la Iglesia católica en la sexualidad y la reproducción / Teresita de Barbieri -- Los modelos medico y educativo en el campo de la salud reproductiva / Reyna Hernández de Tubert -- Movimiento feminista y discurso político: los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en la construcción de una ciudadanía moderna / Marta Lamas -- Perfiles del conservadurismo sexual / Edgar González Ruiz y Gabriela Infante Hoyos -- La salud reproductiva como problema de derechos humanos / Laura Salinas Berinstáin -- Comentario sobre los actores sociales / Mariclaire Acosta…”
    Full text available:
    Electronic Conference Proceeding eBook
  9. 121089

    Mexico en el umbral del milenio /

    Published 1990
    Table of Contents: “…. -- Participación social y política de las clases medias / María Luisa Tarres B. -- Los votos en la transición democrática de Mexico / Silvia Gómez Tagle -- Los trabajadores y la política en Mexico / Francisco Zapata -- Participación social y política en Mexico / Francisco Zapata -- El acero parece perder su temple / Nelson Minello -- Crisis y seguridad nacional: Mexico en los albores del siglo XXI / Javier Elguea S. -- Políticas de población y cambio demográfico en el siglo XX ? …”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  10. 121090

    Las mujeres en la pobreza /

    Published 1994
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  11. 121091

    Vampires and a Reasonable Dictionary / by Radaković, Žarko, Abbott, Scott, 1962-

    Published 2020
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  12. 121092

    Posthuman Lear: Reading Shakespeare in the Anthropocene / by Dionne, Craig

    Published 2020
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  13. 121093

    Deleuze and the Passions /

    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction / Ceciel Meiborg & Sjoerd van Tuinen -- "Everywhere There Are Sad Passions": Gilles Deleuze and the Unhappy Consciousness / Moritz Gansen -- To Have Done with the Judgment of 'Reason': Deleuze's Aesthetic Ontology / Samantha Bankston -- Closed Vessels and Signs: Jealousy as a Passion for Reality / Arjen Kleinherenbrink -- The Drama of Ressentiment: the Philosopher versus the Priest / Sjoerd van Tuinen -- The Affective Economy: Producing and Consuming Affects in Deleuze and Guattari / Jason Read -- Deleuze's Transformation of the Ideology-Critique Project: Noology Critique / Benoit Dillet -- Passion, Cinema and the Old Materialism / Louis-Georges Schwartz -- Death of Deleuze, Birth of Passion / David U.B. …”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  14. 121094

    Amsterdam Human Capital /

    Published 2003
    Table of Contents: “…/ Rob van Engelsdorp Gastelaars -- Mixed embeddedness and post-industrial opportunity structures : trajectories of migrant entrepreneurship in Amsterdam / Robert Kloosterman -- Identity and legitimacy in the Amsterdam region / Gertjan Dijkink and Virginie Mamadouh -- Concluding considerations -- Strategic dilemmas facing the Amsterdam region / Sako Musterd and Willem Salet.…”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  15. 121095

    Art at Auction in 17th Century Amsterdam / by Montias, John Michael, 1928-2005

    Published 2002
    Table of Contents: “…The Auctions -- Orphan Chamber Auctions in Amsterdam -- How Auction Sales of the Orphan Chamber Were Conducted -- Extant Records of Auction Sales in Chronological Perspective -- Aggregate Statistics of Sales and the Owners of Goods Sold -- The Buyers at Auction Sales -- The Wealth of Buyers -- Clusters of Private Buyers -- Remonstrants and Counter-Remonstrants -- What Did They Buy and at What Prices? …”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  16. 121096

    Frontier Tibet : Patterns of Change in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands /

    Published 2020
    Table of Contents: “…Patterson Giersch -- Pastoralists by choice : adaptations in contemporary pastoralism in Eastern Kham / Gillian G. Tan -- Money, politics, and local identity : an inside look at the 'diary' of a twentieth-century Khampa trader / Lucia Galli -- The dispute between Sichuan and Xikang over the Tibetan kingdom of Trokyap (1930s-1940s) / Fabienne Jagou -- The rise of a political strongman in Derge in the early twentieth century : the story of Jagö Topden / Yudru Tsomu -- Harnessing the power of the Khampa elites : political persuasion and the consolidation of Communist Party rule in Gyelthang / Dáša Pejchar Mortensen -- Return of the good king : kingship and identity among Yushu Tibetans since 1951 / Maria Turek -- Yachen as process : encampments, nuns, and spatial politics in post-Mao Kham / Yasmin Cho -- Chinese settler colonialism : empire and life in the Tibetan borderlands / Carole McGranahan.…”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  17. 121097
  18. 121098

    The Cultural Life of James Bond : Specters of 007 /

    Published 2020
    Table of Contents: “…Sánchez Prado, and Jaap Verheul -- Bond rebooted : the transnational appeal of the Daniel Craig James Bond films / Huw D. Jones and Andrew Higson -- Paradoxical masculinity : James Bond, icon of failure / Toby Miller -- Femininity, seriality and collectivity : rethinking the Bond girl / Moya Luckett -- Market forces : James Bond, women of color, and the eastern bazaar / Lorrie Palmer -- Shaken, not stirred britishness : James Bond, race, and the transnational imaginary / Anna Everett -- Global agency between Bond and Bourne : Skyfall and James Bond in comparison to the Jason Bourne film series / Seung-hoon Jeong -- James Bond and art cinema / Christopher Holliday -- Branding 007 : title sequences in the James Bond films / Jan-Christopher Horak -- "Unlike men, the diamonds linger" : Bassey and Bond beyond the theme song / Meenasarani Linde Murugan -- Skyfall and global casino culture / Joyce Goggin -- Three dimensions of Bond : adaptive fidelity and fictional coherence in the videogame adaptations of GoldenEye / Ian Bryce Jones and Chris Carloy.…”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  19. 121099

    Turning toward Edification : Foreigners in Chosŏn Korea / by Bohnet, Adam

    Published 2020
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  20. 121100

    Chadian Sister Engages Kansas City Youth about Peace and Justice / by Londadjim, Nelkem Jeannette

    Published 2020
    Table of Contents: “…On m'a demande de parler de moi = I was asked to talk about my life -- 3. Comment en suis-je venue à ce travail pour la paix? …”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook