Search Results - "skeptic"

  1. 241

    Reading Hegel's Phenomenology by Russon, John Edward, 1960-

    Published 2004
    Table of Contents: “…Sense, time, and my meaning -- From perception to philosophy -- Understanding : things, forces, and the body -- Death and desire in Hegel's epistemology : the form of Hegel's argument -- Reading and the body -- Hermeneutical pressure : intersubjectivity and objectivity -- The "freedom of self-consciousness" and early modern epistemology -- Reason and dualism -- Spirit and skepticism -- The contradictions of moral life : Hegel's critique of Kant -- Selfhood, conscience, and dialectic -- The ritual basis of self-identity -- Vision and image in Hegel's system -- Deciding to read : on the horizon (of Christianity) -- Absolute knowing : the structure and project of Hegel's system of science.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  2. 242

    From submarines to suburbs selling a better America, 1939-1959 / by Henthorn, Cynthia Lee, 1963-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction : legacy of the postwar commercial fallout -- Weapons of mass disorder : impediments to mobilization -- Weapons of mass persuasion : mobilization through symbol management -- Positioning machine age heroes and wartime types -- Glimpses into a "better America" -- Home front war : the campaign to save the American way -- Hygienic solutions for the "house of tomorrow" -- Postwar progress : myth or reality? -- Wartime skeptics and the "world of tomorrow" -- What did happen to the dreamworld? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  3. 243

    What Galileo saw : imagining the scientific revolution / by Lipking, Lawrence

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…: imagining life in King Lear -- The dream of Descartes -- A history of error: Robert Fludd, Thomas Browne, and the Harrow of Truth -- The century of genius (1): Measuring up -- The century of genius (2): Hooke, Newton, and the system of the world -- Revolution and its discontents: the skeptical challenge -- Appendix 1: The fable of sound -- Appendix 2: Descartes' Three dreams.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  4. 244

    What Galileo saw : imagining the scientific revolution / by Lipking, Lawrence

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…: imagining life in King Lear -- The dream of Descartes -- A history of error: Robert Fludd, Thomas Browne, and the Harrow of Truth -- The century of genius (1): Measuring up -- The century of genius (2): Hooke, Newton, and the system of the world -- Revolution and its discontents: the skeptical challenge -- Appendix 1: The fable of sound -- Appendix 2: Descartes' Three dreams.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  5. 245

    Reading Hegel's Phenomenology by Russon, John Edward, 1960-

    Published 2004
    Table of Contents: “…Sense, time, and my meaning -- From perception to philosophy -- Understanding : things, forces, and the body -- Death and desire in Hegel's epistemology : the form of Hegel's argument -- Reading and the body -- Hermeneutical pressure : intersubjectivity and objectivity -- The "freedom of self-consciousness" and early modern epistemology -- Reason and dualism -- Spirit and skepticism -- The contradictions of moral life : Hegel's critique of Kant -- Selfhood, conscience, and dialectic -- The ritual basis of self-identity -- Vision and image in Hegel's system -- Deciding to read : on the horizon (of Christianity) -- Absolute knowing : the structure and project of Hegel's system of science.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  6. 246

    From submarines to suburbs selling a better America, 1939-1959 / by Henthorn, Cynthia Lee, 1963-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction : legacy of the postwar commercial fallout -- Weapons of mass disorder : impediments to mobilization -- Weapons of mass persuasion : mobilization through symbol management -- Positioning machine age heroes and wartime types -- Glimpses into a "better America" -- Home front war : the campaign to save the American way -- Hygienic solutions for the "house of tomorrow" -- Postwar progress : myth or reality? -- Wartime skeptics and the "world of tomorrow" -- What did happen to the dreamworld? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  7. 247

    To kill the king post-traditional governance and bureaucracy / by Farmer, David John, 1935-

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…-- Self and detritus -- Writing, with a deviant signature -- Listen to symbols -- Truth : skepticism, certainly -- Start with Shakespeare : o cursed legacy! …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  8. 248

    An inquiry into the philosophical foundations of the human sciences by Claassen, Alfred

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Part I: Sectoralism and the basic dimensions of the human -- The consummatory and instrumental -- Levels of reflexivity -- Id, ego, superid, and superego -- Community, association, supercommunity, and superassociation -- The ideal and real -- Individualism and collectivism -- Consciousness, character, space, and time -- The impasse of sectoralism -- Part II: Universalism and the complex dimensions of the human -- The rational universal -- Religion -- Ethics -- Individualism and collectivism in the universal -- Balancing the balancing mechanism -- Harmony and conflict -- Part III: The epistemics of the human sciences -- Dialectical historicism -- Phenomenology and method in the human sciences -- Aesthetics -- Overcoming skepticism and radical relativism -- Reunifying the human sciences under philosophy.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  9. 249

    Richard Rorty his philosophy under discussion /

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…/ Attila Karakuş, Andreas Vieth -- Skepticism, correspondence, and truth / Nikola Kompa ... …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  10. 250

    Idriss Déby and the Darfur conflict / by Toïngar, Ésaïe, 1968-

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…Chad, Sudan and Darfur -- Idriss Déby struggles to maintain Zaghawa power -- Bour, survivor of Zaghawa attack -- Déby's international counterfeiting operation revealed -- Chad's black gold -- Deadly betrayal in the oil fields of Sidegui -- Darfur's troubles begin with Déby -- Chad, Sudan, and rebels -- A leader in deception and corruption -- A skeptical look at "The usual suspects" -- Birth of the Janjawiid (militiamen with horses) -- The voiceless children -- They called each other "younger brother, older brother" -- The fall of Bangui -- Misperceptions -- The International Criminal Court -- Proposition for peace in Darfur and the sub-region.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  11. 251

    An inquiry into the philosophical foundations of the human sciences by Claassen, Alfred

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Part I: Sectoralism and the basic dimensions of the human -- The consummatory and instrumental -- Levels of reflexivity -- Id, ego, superid, and superego -- Community, association, supercommunity, and superassociation -- The ideal and real -- Individualism and collectivism -- Consciousness, character, space, and time -- The impasse of sectoralism -- Part II: Universalism and the complex dimensions of the human -- The rational universal -- Religion -- Ethics -- Individualism and collectivism in the universal -- Balancing the balancing mechanism -- Harmony and conflict -- Part III: The epistemics of the human sciences -- Dialectical historicism -- Phenomenology and method in the human sciences -- Aesthetics -- Overcoming skepticism and radical relativism -- Reunifying the human sciences under philosophy.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  12. 252

    Richard Rorty his philosophy under discussion /

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…/ Attila Karakuş, Andreas Vieth -- Skepticism, correspondence, and truth / Nikola Kompa ... …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  13. 253

    Idriss Déby and the Darfur conflict / by Toïngar, Ésaïe, 1968-

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…Chad, Sudan and Darfur -- Idriss Déby struggles to maintain Zaghawa power -- Bour, survivor of Zaghawa attack -- Déby's international counterfeiting operation revealed -- Chad's black gold -- Deadly betrayal in the oil fields of Sidegui -- Darfur's troubles begin with Déby -- Chad, Sudan, and rebels -- A leader in deception and corruption -- A skeptical look at "The usual suspects" -- Birth of the Janjawiid (militiamen with horses) -- The voiceless children -- They called each other "younger brother, older brother" -- The fall of Bangui -- Misperceptions -- The International Criminal Court -- Proposition for peace in Darfur and the sub-region.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  14. 254

    Critically reading the theory and methods of archaeology : an introductory guide / by Gibbon, Guy E., 1939-

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…-- Is there a fallacy in the reasoning? -- Are there skeptical postmodern themes in the argument? -- Are facts clearly distinguished from opinions and other claims? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  15. 255

    To kill the king post-traditional governance and bureaucracy / by Farmer, David John, 1935-

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…-- Self and detritus -- Writing, with a deviant signature -- Listen to symbols -- Truth : skepticism, certainly -- Start with Shakespeare : o cursed legacy! …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  16. 256

    Critically reading the theory and methods of archaeology : an introductory guide / by Gibbon, Guy E., 1939-

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…-- Is there a fallacy in the reasoning? -- Are there skeptical postmodern themes in the argument? -- Are facts clearly distinguished from opinions and other claims? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  17. 257

    Ordered anarchy Jasay and his surroundings /

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Holcombe -- Constitutional optimism and skepticism in Buchanan and Jasay / Hartmut Kliemt -- Conclusion -- Anthony de Jasay: a salute / IMD Little.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  18. 258

    Minimal Theologies : Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno and Levinas / by Vries, Hent de

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Toward a critique of theology -- A possible internal and external differentiation of Habermas's theory of rationality -- Paradox and aporia in Adorno's philosophy of nonidentity -- The construction of occidental subjectivism: reductio ad hominem versus remembrance of nature in the subject -- The breaking apart of western objectivism and the resurrection of the particular and the ephemeral in the philosophy of history -- Metaphysical experience -- Paradox and aporia in Levinas's philosophy of the ethical-religious other -- Levinas on art and truth -- The dialectics of subjectivity and the critique of objectivism -- Loosening logocentrism: language and skepticism -- From unhappy consciousness to bad conscience -- "The other theology": conceptual, historical, and political idolatry -- Appendix: The theology of the sign and the sign of theology: the apophatics of deconstruction.…”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook
  19. 259

    Ordered anarchy Jasay and his surroundings /

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Holcombe -- Constitutional optimism and skepticism in Buchanan and Jasay / Hartmut Kliemt -- Conclusion -- Anthony de Jasay: a salute / IMD Little.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  20. 260

    Minimal Theologies : Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno and Levinas / by Vries, Hent de

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Toward a critique of theology -- A possible internal and external differentiation of Habermas's theory of rationality -- Paradox and aporia in Adorno's philosophy of nonidentity -- The construction of occidental subjectivism: reductio ad hominem versus remembrance of nature in the subject -- The breaking apart of western objectivism and the resurrection of the particular and the ephemeral in the philosophy of history -- Metaphysical experience -- Paradox and aporia in Levinas's philosophy of the ethical-religious other -- Levinas on art and truth -- The dialectics of subjectivity and the critique of objectivism -- Loosening logocentrism: language and skepticism -- From unhappy consciousness to bad conscience -- "The other theology": conceptual, historical, and political idolatry -- Appendix: The theology of the sign and the sign of theology: the apophatics of deconstruction.…”
    Full text available:
    Electronic eBook