Search Results - "alphabet"

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    Swedenborg explorer's guidebook a research manual for inquiring new readers, seekers of spiritual ideas, and writers of Swedenborgian treatises / by Woofenden, William Ross

    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Swedenborg's writings -- Chronology of published works and unpublished documents -- Alphabetical listing of Swedenborg's writings -- Classification by subject of Swedenborg's writings -- Annotated bibliography of Swedenborg's writings by year -- Published and unpublished writings -- Works of uncertain authorship and projected works that were never written -- Lost works -- Selected collateral literature -- Concordances and compendiums -- Indexes -- Dictionaries -- Documentary collections -- Bibliographies -- Doctrinal summaries -- A. basic reference -- B. general -- The lord -- The word -- E. humankind -- F. love, faith, use -- G. creation, providence, freedom -- H. sex and marriage -- Regeneration -- J. life after death, the spiritual world -- Exegetical works -- A. old testament -- B. new testament -- Studies in correspondences, parables, etc -- Major biographies of Swedenborg -- Historical studies -- A. church history -- B. church polity -- Autobiographies and biographies -- Of prominent swedenborgians -- Metaphysics -- Critical studies -- A. published works -- B. theses and dissertations -- Periodicals -- A. current periodicals -- B. former periodicals -- Indexes to periodicals -- Digests, outlines, and synopses -- Studies in science and religion -- Religious education materials -- Prayer and other devotional materials -- Literature for children -- Miscellaneous -- Glossary -- Selected list of key Swedenborgian concepts -- Pre-theological concepts relevant to the history of science and philosophy -- Concepts bridging the pre-theological and theological concepts -- Revelations about humankind and our intended destiny -- Major documentary collections and booksellers.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
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    PCs for dummies / by Gookin, Dan

    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…-- Mass Storage System: -- PC's Mass Storage System: -- Surveying the mass storage landscape -- Identifying the primary storage device -- Finding mass storage devices -- Inserting a media card or thumb drive -- Inserting an optical disc -- Ejecting media -- Adding more storage -- Mass Storage Alphabet: -- Handing out drive letters -- Exploring drive icons and names -- Checking drive capacity -- Using mass storage -- Accessing removable media -- Merry Monitor Mayhem: -- PC's Graphics System: -- Minding the monitor -- Discovering the display adapter -- Show Me What Ya Got: -- Measuring a monitor -- Connecting the monitor to the PC -- Reading monitor messages -- Working the monitor's controls -- Windows Controls What You See: -- Setting resolution -- Adding a second monitor -- Orienting the monitor -- Input This!…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  5. 165

    PCs for dummies / by Gookin, Dan

    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…-- Mass Storage System: -- PC's Mass Storage System: -- Surveying the mass storage landscape -- Identifying the primary storage device -- Finding mass storage devices -- Inserting a media card or thumb drive -- Inserting an optical disc -- Ejecting media -- Adding more storage -- Mass Storage Alphabet: -- Handing out drive letters -- Exploring drive icons and names -- Checking drive capacity -- Using mass storage -- Accessing removable media -- Merry Monitor Mayhem: -- PC's Graphics System: -- Minding the monitor -- Discovering the display adapter -- Show Me What Ya Got: -- Measuring a monitor -- Connecting the monitor to the PC -- Reading monitor messages -- Working the monitor's controls -- Windows Controls What You See: -- Setting resolution -- Adding a second monitor -- Orienting the monitor -- Input This!…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
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    Good advice : ABCs for people who don't have all the answers / by Hancock, Jim, 1952-

    Published 1987
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