Search Results - "The Closer"

  1. 61

    Genre in popular music by Holt, Fabian

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Roots and refigurations -- Double session I : Reactions to rock -- A model of genre transformation -- Country music and the Nashville sound -- Jazz and jazz-rock fusion -- Double session II : Urban boundaries -- Jeff Parker and the Chicago jazz scene -- A closer look at Jeff Parker and his music -- Music at American borders.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  2. 62

    Affirmative advocacy race, class, and gender in interest group politics / by Strolovitch, Dara Z.

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Closer to a pluralist heaven? -- Intersectionality and representation -- Trickle-down representation? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  3. 63

    God's new whiz kids? Korean American evangelicals on campus / by Kim, Rebecca Y., 1974-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Changing face of campus evangelicalism : Asian American evangelicals -- Second-generation Korean American evangelicals and the immigrant church -- Korean American campus ministries in the marketplace -- Emergent ethnic group formation -- A closer look at the ties that bind -- White flight and crossing boundaries -- "Why can't Christians all just get along?" …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  4. 64

    Fitzgerald geography of a revolution / by Bunge, William, 1928-

    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…The crucial present -- Races meet -- Races mix -- Races separate -- Slums move closer -- Fitzgerald plans -- Institutions respond -- Education strains -- section 3. …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  5. 65

    Fitzgerald geography of a revolution / by Bunge, William, 1928-

    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…The crucial present -- Races meet -- Races mix -- Races separate -- Slums move closer -- Fitzgerald plans -- Institutions respond -- Education strains -- section 3. …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  6. 66

    God's new whiz kids? Korean American evangelicals on campus / by Kim, Rebecca Y., 1974-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Changing face of campus evangelicalism : Asian American evangelicals -- Second-generation Korean American evangelicals and the immigrant church -- Korean American campus ministries in the marketplace -- Emergent ethnic group formation -- A closer look at the ties that bind -- White flight and crossing boundaries -- "Why can't Christians all just get along?" …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  7. 67

    European integration a concise history / by Gilbert, Mark, 1961-

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Enemies to partners: the politics of cooperation in Western Europe 1945-1950 -- Ever closer union: from the Schuman Plan to the Economic Community 1950-1958 -- In the shadow of the general: De Gaulle and the EEC 1958-1969 -- Weathering the storm: the EC during the 1970s -- The 1992 initiative and relaunch of the community -- The Maastricht compromise -- EUphoria -- Toward a twin-track Europe.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  8. 68

    European integration a concise history / by Gilbert, Mark, 1961-

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Enemies to partners: the politics of cooperation in Western Europe 1945-1950 -- Ever closer union: from the Schuman Plan to the Economic Community 1950-1958 -- In the shadow of the general: De Gaulle and the EEC 1958-1969 -- Weathering the storm: the EC during the 1970s -- The 1992 initiative and relaunch of the community -- The Maastricht compromise -- EUphoria -- Toward a twin-track Europe.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  9. 69

    The projects gang and non-gang families in East Los Angeles / by Vigil, James Diego, 1938-

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Rationale and methods -- A history of the Cuatro Flats barrio gang -- The gang subculture: change and continuity -- The Pico Gardens clique -- A gang life -- Cholas in the world of gangs -- Why children either avoid or affiliate with gangs -- Families not involved with gangs -- A closer look at gang-affiliated families -- Gang prevention and intervention strategies over time -- Conclusion and recommendations.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  10. 70

    Between one and one another by Jackson, Michael, 1940-

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…-- Clearings in the bush -- The Gulf of Corinth -- It's other people who are my old age -- Objects in mirror appear closer than they appear -- I am an other -- Yonder -- Reading Siddhartha to Freya at Forest Lake -- On the work and writing of ethnography.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  11. 71

    Between one and one another by Jackson, Michael, 1940-

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…-- Clearings in the bush -- The Gulf of Corinth -- It's other people who are my old age -- Objects in mirror appear closer than they appear -- I am an other -- Yonder -- Reading Siddhartha to Freya at Forest Lake -- On the work and writing of ethnography.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  12. 72

    The projects gang and non-gang families in East Los Angeles / by Vigil, James Diego, 1938-

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Rationale and methods -- A history of the Cuatro Flats barrio gang -- The gang subculture: change and continuity -- The Pico Gardens clique -- A gang life -- Cholas in the world of gangs -- Why children either avoid or affiliate with gangs -- Families not involved with gangs -- A closer look at gang-affiliated families -- Gang prevention and intervention strategies over time -- Conclusion and recommendations.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  13. 73
  14. 74
  15. 75

    A bird dance near Saturday City Sidi Ballo and the art of West African masquerade / by McNaughton, Patrick R.

    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction: An explosion of art at Dogoduman -- The performance -- How to view a bird dance -- Sidi Ballo at Dogoduman -- A closer look at Sidi Ballo -- Individuals intertwined -- Sidi Ballo's aesthetic milieu -- Form reconsidered in Mande light -- A Mande aesthetic profile -- An aesthetic of affect -- Expanding the beholder's share -- An atmosphere for Sidi Ballo's bird dance -- Conclusion: Bird masquerading is alive and well.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  16. 76

    Prosecution complex America's race to convict and its impact on the innocent / by Medwed, Daniel S.

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Charging ahead -- In the interest of full disclosure : discovery in criminal cases -- Plea bargaining pitfalls -- Preparation and examination of witnesses -- Test tubes on trial : prosecutors and forensic evidence -- Closing the door on innocence : improper summations by prosecutors -- Prosecutorial resistance to post-conviction claims of innocence -- A closer look : prosecutors and post-conviction DNA testing -- In denial : the refusal of prosecutors to accept proof of an inmate's innocence.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  17. 77

    The American faculty : the restructuring of academic work and careers / by Schuster, Jack H., Finkelstein, Martin J., 1949-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Establishing the framework -- The American faculty in perspective -- The professoriate in profile -- The changing complexion of faculty work -- Academic culture and values and the quality of work life -- The changing academic career -- The revolution in academic appointments: a closer look -- Compensation and academic careers: trends and issues -- Pathways to the professoriate -- American academic life restructured -- What's ahead? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  18. 78

    Prosecution complex America's race to convict and its impact on the innocent / by Medwed, Daniel S.

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Charging ahead -- In the interest of full disclosure : discovery in criminal cases -- Plea bargaining pitfalls -- Preparation and examination of witnesses -- Test tubes on trial : prosecutors and forensic evidence -- Closing the door on innocence : improper summations by prosecutors -- Prosecutorial resistance to post-conviction claims of innocence -- A closer look : prosecutors and post-conviction DNA testing -- In denial : the refusal of prosecutors to accept proof of an inmate's innocence.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  19. 79

    The American faculty : the restructuring of academic work and careers / by Schuster, Jack H., Finkelstein, Martin J., 1949-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Establishing the framework -- The American faculty in perspective -- The professoriate in profile -- The changing complexion of faculty work -- Academic culture and values and the quality of work life -- The changing academic career -- The revolution in academic appointments: a closer look -- Compensation and academic careers: trends and issues -- Pathways to the professoriate -- American academic life restructured -- What's ahead? …”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  20. 80

    A bird dance near Saturday City Sidi Ballo and the art of West African masquerade / by McNaughton, Patrick R.

    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction: An explosion of art at Dogoduman -- The performance -- How to view a bird dance -- Sidi Ballo at Dogoduman -- A closer look at Sidi Ballo -- Individuals intertwined -- Sidi Ballo's aesthetic milieu -- Form reconsidered in Mande light -- A Mande aesthetic profile -- An aesthetic of affect -- Expanding the beholder's share -- An atmosphere for Sidi Ballo's bird dance -- Conclusion: Bird masquerading is alive and well.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook