Search Results - "PHP"

  1. 141

    Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web development

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Getting started -- Configuring your installation -- Movie review Web site -- Creating PHP pages using PHP5 -- Using PHP with MySQL -- Using tables to display data -- Form elements -- Letting the user work with data -- Letting the user edit the database -- Manipulating and creating images with PHP -- Validating user input -- Handling and avoiding errors -- Comic book fan site -- Building databases -- Sending e-mail -- User logins, profiles, and personalization -- Building a content management system -- Mailing lists -- Online stores -- Creating a bulletin board system -- Using log files to improve your site -- Troubleshooting -- Answers to exercises -- PHP quick reference -- PHP5 functions -- MySQL data types -- MySQL quick reference -- Comparison of text editors -- Choosing a third-party host -- An introduction to PEAR -- AMP installation.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  2. 142
  3. 143

    PHPList 2 e-mail campaign manager get to grips with the phpList e-mail announcement delivery system! / by Young, David

    Published 2011
    Subjects: “…PHP (Computer program language) Amateurs' manuals.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  4. 144
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  6. 146

    PHPList 2 e-mail campaign manager get to grips with the phpList e-mail announcement delivery system! / by Young, David

    Published 2011
    Subjects: “…PHP (Computer program language) Amateurs' manuals.…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
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  12. 152

    TYPO3 extension development developer's guide to creating feature-rich extensions using the TYPO3 API / by Dulepov, Dmitry

    Published 2008
    Subjects: “…PHP (Computer program language)…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  13. 153
  14. 154

    TYPO3 extension development developer's guide to creating feature-rich extensions using the TYPO3 API / by Dulepov, Dmitry

    Published 2008
    Subjects: “…PHP (Computer program language)…”
    An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
    Electronic eBook
  15. 155
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