Search Results - "Globalities."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 291
- Globalization 142
- Social aspects 112
- Social conditions 104
- Politics and government 84
- Climatic changes 82
- Economic aspects 66
- Political aspects 64
- Government policy 62
- Economic conditions 60
- International cooperation 56
- Economic development 46
- Employment interviewing 46
- International relations 46
- Job hunting 46
- Political science 44
- Social sciences 44
- Environment 42
- Environmental sciences 42
- Climate Change 40
- Foreign relations 40
- Anthropology 38
- Philosophy 38
- World War, 1939-1945 38
- Economic policy 36
- Emigration and immigration 36
- Environmental policy 34
- Finance 34
- Religious aspects 34
- Social Sciences 34
Diritto: storia e comparazione : Nuovi propositi per un binomio antico /
Published 2018“…Global perspectives on legal history ;…”
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Electronic eBook -
Time, Migration and Forced Immobility : Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco /
Published 2019“…Global migration and social change…”
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Intersections of Ageing, Gender and Sexualities : Multidisciplinary International Perspectives /
Published 2019“…Ageing in a global context…”
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Electronic -
Rethinking Canadian Aid : Second Edition /
Published 2016“…Studies in international development and globalization…”
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Le tre costituzioni pacifiste : Il rifiuto della guerra nelle costituzioni di Giappone, Italia e Germania /
Published 2020“…Global perspectives on legal history ;…”
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A Global History of Ideas in the Language of Law /
Published 2021“…Global Perspectives on Legal History…”
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Electronic eBook -
Nem teúdas, nem manteúdas: História das Mulheres e Direito na capitania da Paraíba (Brasil, 1661–1822)
Published 2021“…Global Perspectives on Legal History…”
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Electronic eBook -
Esclavos y tierras entre posesión y títulos : La construcción social del derecho de propiedad en Brasil (siglo XIX) /
Published 2021“…Global Perspectives on Legal History…”
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Electronic eBook -
Celebrar lo imposible : El Código Civil en el régimen jurídico de la propiedad: Córdoba entre fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX /
Published 2021“…Global Perspectives on Legal History…”
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Thesis Electronic eBook -
Staatsangehörigkeit und Rassismus : Rechtsdiskurse und Verwaltungspraxis in den Kolonien Eritrea und Deutsch-Ostafrika (1882 – 1919) /
Published 2021“…Global perspectives on legal history ;…”
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Thesis Electronic -
Microfinance : poverty reduction and millennium development goals /
Published 2011“…Global urban economic dialogue series…”
Book -
Follow your heart moving with the giants of jazz, swing, and rhythm and blues /
Published 2008“…African American music in global perspective…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
The globalization of corporate media hegemony
Published 2003“…SUNY series in global media studies…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
Global environmentalism and local politics transnational advocacy networks in Brazil, Ecuador, and India /
Published 2004“…SUNY series in global environmental policy…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
Ryosai Kenbo the educational ideal of 'good wife, wise mother' in modern Japan /
Published 2013“…The intimate and the public in Asian and global perspectives ;…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
Standardized assessment and test construction without anguish the complete step-by-step guide to test design, administration, scoring, analysis, and interpretation /
Published 2010“…Education in a competitive and globalizing world…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
Computer-enabled mathematics integrating experiment and theory in teacher education /
Published 2011“…Education in a competitive and globalizing world…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
Patriarchy in East Asia a comparative sociology of gender /
Published 2013“…The intimate and the public in Asian and global perspectives…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
The nature of the beasts empire and exhibition at the Tokyo Imperial Zoo /
Published 2013“…Asia--local studies/global themes…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook -
The handbook of development communication and social change /
Published 2014“…Global handbooks in media and communication research…”
An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view
Electronic eBook