Qurashī, I. ʻ. a., Sayyid, A. F., Walker, P. E., & Pomerantz, M. A. (2002). The Fatimids and their successors in Yaman: The history of an Islamic community : Arabic edition and English summary of Idrīs ʻImād al-Dīn's ʻUyūn al-akhbār, vol. 7. I.B. Tauris : in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies.


Qurashī, Idrīs ʻImād al-Dīn, Ayman Fuʼād Sayyid, Paul Ernest Walker, 与 Maurice A. Pomerantz. The Fatimids and Their Successors in Yaman: The History of an Islamic Community : Arabic Edition and English Summary of Idrīs ʻImād Al-Dīn's ʻUyūn Al-akhbār, Vol. 7. London ; New York: I.B. Tauris : in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2002.


Qurashī, Idrīs ʻImād al-Dīn, et al. The Fatimids and Their Successors in Yaman: The History of an Islamic Community : Arabic Edition and English Summary of Idrīs ʻImād Al-Dīn's ʻUyūn Al-akhbār, Vol. 7. I.B. Tauris : in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2002.
