Table of Contents:
- Overview and history. Theory and principles of public communication campaigns / Charles K. Atkin, Ronald E. Rice
- Public communication campaigns : the American experience / William Paisley, Charles K. Atkin
- Why can't we sell human rights like we sell soap? / Robert C. Hornik
- Design and evaluation. Guidelines for formative evaluation research in campaign design / Charles K. Atkin. Vicki Freimuth
- Systems based evaluation planning model for health communication campaigns in developing countries / Ronald E. Rice, Dennis Foote
- Evaluating communication campaigns / Thomas V. Valente, Patchareeya P. Kwan
- Communication campaign effectiveness and effects : some critical distinctions / Charles T. Salmon, Lisa Murray-Johnson
- How effective are mediated health campaigns? A synthesis of meta analyses / Leslie B. Snyder, Jessica M. LaCroix
- Theory foundations. McGuire's classic input output framework for constructing persuasive messages / William J. McGuire
- Sense making methodology as an approach to understanding and designing for campaign audiences : a turn to communicating communicatively / Brenda Dervin, Lois Foreman-Wernet
- Inducing fear as a public communication strategy / Marco C. Yzer, Brian G. Southwell, Michael T. Stephenson
- Truth in advertising : social norms marketing campaigns to reduce college student drinking / William Dejong, Sandi W. Smith
- Applying theory and evaluation. Go Sun Smart campaign : achieving individual and organizational change for occupational sun protection / David B. Buller ... []
- Mass media campaign to increase condom use among high sensation seeking and impulsive decision making young adults / Philip C. Palmgreen, Seth M. Noar, Rick S. Zimmerman
- Public communication campaigns to promote organ donation : theory, design, and implementation / Susan E. Morgan
- Transdisciplinary approaches for twenty first century ocean sustainability communication / Ronald E. Rice, Julie A. Robinson
- Sociocognitive approaches for AIDS prevention : explicating the role of risk perceptions and efficacy beliefs in Malawi / Rajiv M. Rimal, Rupali Limaye
- Corporate social responsibility campaigns : what do they tell us about organization public relationships? / Maureen Taylor
- Designing digital games, social media, and mobile technologies to motivate and support health behavior change / Debra A. Lieberman
- Community partnership strategies in health campaigns / Neil Bracht, Ronald E. Rice
- Closing the gaps in practice and in theory : evaluation of the scrutinize HIV campaign in South Africa / D. Lawrence Kincaid ... []
- Rising tide of entertainment education in communication campaigns / Arvind Singhal, Hua Wang, Everett M. Rogers
- Putting policy into health communication : the role of media advocacy / Lori Dorfman, Lawrence Wallack.