Economic reforms for 1996-1998 : the policy framework paper /
Direction of trade statistics.
Direction of trade statistics quarterly /
Reference guide to anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism
Global monitoring report. 2007 millennium development goals : confronting the challenges of gender equality and fragile states.
Building inclusive financial systems a framework for financial access /
Regional economic outlook.
China and India learning from each other : reforms and policies for sustained growth /
The modern VAT
Sweden's welfare state can the bumblebee keep flying? /
Promoting fiscal discipline
Perspectivas económicas.
Annual report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions 2006
Perspektivy razvitii͡a regionalʹnoĭ ėkonomiki Evropa : Ukreplenie finansovykh sistem : noi͡abrʹ 07.
Poverty and social impact analysis by the IMF review of methodology and selected evidence /
Helping countries develop the role of fiscal policy /
Russia rebounds