Population and labour : a popular account of the implications of rapid population growth for the training, employment and welfare of workers.
Co-operative management and administration.
Gender, work & population in sub-Saharan Africa /
HIV/AIDS and the world of work ILO code of practice.
Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port
Prevention of major industrial accidents an ILO contribution to the International Programme of Chemical Safety of UNEP, the ILO, and the WHO (IPCS).
Zambian women entrepreneurs going for growth.
Working for better times rethinking work for the 21st century /
Working time its impact on safety and health /
Working out of disaster improving employment and livelihood in countries affected by the tsunami.
Global wage report, 2010/11 wage policies in times of crisis.
Approaches to attribution of detrimental health effects to occupational ionizing radiation exposure and their application in compensation programmes for cancer a practical guide /
Trade union responses to globalization a review by the Global Union Research Network /
The global crisis causes, responses and challenges.
Trade and employment in the global crisis
The promotion of sustainable enterprises
Protecting the poor a microinsurance compendium /
Ergonomic checkpoints practical and easy-to-implement solutions for improving safety, health and working conditions /
Introduction to work study
Safety and health in underground coalmines