Strategic directions for human development in Papua New Guinea
Poverty, inequality, and inclusive growth in Asia measurement, policy issues, and country studies /
Inclusive growth, full employment, and structural change implications and policies for developing Asia /
Regional cooperation and integration in a changing world /
Strategic options for urbanization in the people's Republic of China : key findings /
Empowerment and public service delivery in Developing Asia and the Pacific : policy report /
Prospects for carbon capture and storage in Southeast Asia /
Asian Development Outlook 2013 : governance and public service delivery.
Economics of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in South Asia : operations and costs /
Assessment of microinsurance as emerging microfinance service for the poor : the case of the Philippines /
Development effectiveness report 2012 : private sector operations /
Solid waste management in Nepal : current status and policy recommendations /
Regional cooperation and integration : experiences in Asia and the Pacific /
Guidebook on public-private partnership in pharmacy /
Asian water development outlook 2013 : measuring water security in Asia and the Pacific /
Report to the government of Kazakhstan : policies for industrial and service diversification in Asia in the 21st century /
Strategic framework and action plan for human resource development in the Greater Mekong Subregion (2013-2017) /
Energy outlook for Asia and the Pacific : October 2013 /
Modernizing sanitary and phytosanitary measures to facilitate trade in agricultural and food products : report on the development of an SPS plan for the CAREC countries /
India-ADB development partnership /