use both this parameter and |birth_date to display the person's date of birth, date of death, and age at death) -->
| death_place =
| module =
| module2 =
| academic_advisors =
| influences =
* Hans-Georg Gadamer
* Bernard Lonergan
* Karl Rahner
* Paul Ricœur
* Paul Tillich
| discipline = Theology
| sub_discipline =
| workplaces = University of Chicago
| doctoral_students =
| notable_students =
| main_interests =
| notable_works = | ''The Analogical Imagination'' (1981) | ''Plurality and Ambiguity'' (1987)}}
| notable_ideas =
| influenced =
| signature =
| signature_alt =
David W. Tracy (born 1939) is an American theologian and Roman Catholicpriest. He is Andrew Thomas Greeley and Grace McNichols Greeley Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Catholic Studies at the University of Chicago Divinity School. In 2020 he was elected to the American Philosophical Society.
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