The Maiden of Orleans : A Romantic Tragedy /

First published as an American contribution to the 1959 bicentennial celebration of Friedrich Schiller's birth, Krumpelmann's translation of the poet's Joan of Arc drama retains the iambic pentameter of the original. This revised second edition, published in 1962 following critical ac...

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Bibliográfalaš dieđut
Váldodahkki: Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805 (Author)
Eará dahkkit: Krumpelmann, John T., 1892-1986 (Translator)
Materiálatiipa: Elektrovnnalaš E-girji
Almmustuhtton: Baltimore, Maryland : Project Muse, 2020
Preanttus:Second edition.
Ráidu:University of North Carolina studies in the Germanic languages and literatures ; no. 37.
Book collections on Project MUSE.
Liŋkkat:Full text available:
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