Empowering science and mathematics for global competitiveness : proceedings of the Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC 2018), November 2-4, 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia /

This conference proceedings focuses on enabling science and mathematics practitioners and citizens to respond to the pressing challenges of global competitiveness and sustainable development by transforming research and teaching of science and mathematics. The proceedings consist of 82 papers presen...

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Searvvušdahkki: Science and Mathematics International Conference Jakarta, Indonesia
Eará dahkkit: Rahmawati, Yuli (Editor), Taylor, Peter Charles (Editor)
Materiálatiipa: Elektrovnnalaš Konfereansapublikašuvdna E-girji
Almmustuhtton: Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2019]
Ráidu:Empowering science and mathematics for global competitiveness ; volume 1
Liŋkkat:Taylor & Francis
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